How far along? 22 Weeks
What has been going on this week? This week is the last week of school for this teacher :) I am so excited to have June, July and most of August off! Other than that, it is a pretty low key week and I am feeling great!
Baby size: according to my app the baby is the size of a spaghetti squash, weighing in at 1 pound now!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, definitely...Pink blush maternity, H&M maternity, target and old navy maternity have been my go tos so far. Maternity pants are so comfy and at this point there is no way I can fit in regular jeans. I have a feeling I will be living in leggings, big tees and maxi dresses all summer :)
Stretch marks?: Nope, not yet anyway. I have been using Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter every day...hopefully it helps
Movement?: A little bit, however, at our 20 week ultrasound we found out I have an anterior placenta which acts as a little pillow between me and the baby, so it might take a few more weeks until I can start to feel stronger movements and kicks. At first I was bummed about this because some days I can't feel movement at all, but Tim reminded me that God is in control and maybe he placed my placenta there to help me grow in my faith and trust in Him, trusting that the baby is healthy and moving around even when I can't feel her.
Food Cravings/Aversions?: I still cannot stand the smell, taste or thought of Chinese food. BLAH. Other than that I don't really have strong cravings. I eat a lot of cereal, cheese and mustard sandwiches (weird I know), and fresh fruit.
Nausea or sickness?: Not any more, the second trimester has been great, Praise God! I do still get very bad headaches a few days every week which are not fun...but trying to drink plenty of water and eat enough.
Best moment of the week?: Well not technically this week, but a couple weeks ago we had our 20 week ultrasound appointment and it was so fun to get to see our little one moving around in there. We were told she is as healthy as can be and we also got confirmation that she is a GIRL! We are so excited and already so in love with her. Let's just say Tim has to stop me from going girl clothes shopping crazy and I may have already bought her about 9 headband/bows :)
Workouts?: 3-4 days a week I have been trying to do a few workouts with light go to workout lately has been 30-45 minute power walks around our neighborhood. I am planning on walking 30-40 minutes a day 5 days a week all summer long. My doctor gave me to OK to run, however it is not super comfortable so I am sticking to walking.
Gender: GIRL! She has a name too! I will share that soon :)
Sleep: I have been sleeping really well, no complaints there. I do still wake up to pee 1-2 times in the night. I have always slept on my side, so it wasn't a big adjustment for me. I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs though to stay comfortable. It is getting a little harder to roll from side to side and I joke with Tim that he will have to help roll me out of bed soon.
What I am looking forward to?: Our next appointment in 2 weeks! and our BABYMOON vacation that Tim and I have planned. A 5 day getaway in mid-July!
Prayer for baby girl:
Dear Lord, You are amazing, You are our redeemer, our healer and you are faithful to our hearts! I praise you! Please help Baby Girl continue to grow and develop to form perfectly. Help me carry her to full term so her lungs and other organs have time to mature. Let Tim and I use the breath You have given us to express gratitude to you and to worship you. Please prepare Tim and I to be good parents and role models for our children. I pray that our baby girl would know you and know how much she is loved. Thank you, Jesus!
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people." - Ephesians 1:18
We got a car seat and stroller! |
21 week belly |
21 week belly |
We got her a changing table and a couple of outfits.... |
Maxi dresses! |
Scarlet is so excited to have a baby girl cousin |